
Latest news

Posted on Sat, Jan 16th 2010, 11:45

8-21-05 After a seven month wait I received my new 12.5" RCOS scope. I was able to go for a short imaging session tonight and I am very pleased with the first results despite pretty awful conditions (a nearly full moon, clouds and a neighbor's flood light!). I am looking forward to some hopefully improved weather so I can give it a full run-through. Now if I can only get that Monolith Pier, I can begin to use my new Paramount mount!

Posted on Sat, Jan 16th 2010, 11:44

2005-05-20 My new site! My new website is now up and running! Thanks to my brilliant webmaster, Jeff, the site now has a "cleaner", more polished look. I feel that the images really stand out much better with the lighter background. I hope you like it. Please send me any comments or suggestions. Clear skies!

Posted on Sat, Jan 16th 2010, 11:45

2005-09-05 The Paramount works! At long last I received my new Monolith Pier. I have now attached my Paramount ME to it along with my RC and the Takahashi FSQ-106 as a piggyback guidescope/ imager. I am in high cotton now!

Posted on Sat, Jan 16th 2010, 11:45

06-16-07 A lot has happened this year. Looking Glass Observatory is now operational! A special thanks to Matthew and Gloria Gauthier for allowing me to build my observatory on their property, which is certainly one of the darkest spots in Georgia. I have mounted my 12.5 inch RCOS scope and a 4 inch Takahashi FSQ-106 on a Paramount ME mount. My primary imaging cameras are an STL-11000M and STL-6303E, both made by Santa Barbara Instruments Group. I have also just completed mounting my 5 inch Takahashi TOA-130 on an AP1200 mount at my home on a permanant pier. Life is good!